Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Introducing Mr. Landon Thomas Reichert's Room!

Good Morning All! Yes, I am still pregnant and swollen :) My feet = Yuck! I tried to talk to Landon last night and tell him to come on but he's being a stubborn little booger! I know he will come when he is good and ready but I need him to understand how excited I am to hold my son. I keep trying to wrap my head around the fact that I will be holding my son within the next week or so. It brings tears to my eyes just typing that.

Below you will see Landon's Room! I know Chad doesn't think that Winnie the Pooh is masculine but I was going for gender neutral and I think Winnie the Pooh rocks! I wish I could say there is an actual theme but it has a some different themes floating around! I was going to take a picture of the inside of the closet but I decided not to. The boy has got so many clothes, diapers, and toys in there!!

Hope you enjoy the video and pictures!


MOM Reichert said...

Everything looks so good. It really brings the reality that he will be here, and enjoying that room within the next two weeks at the most. I can just see him kicking his little legs laying in his new bed. It gives me chill bumps just thinking about it. I love you all so very much.
MOM Reichert

bourquelee said...

Now we just wait with you on that little boy to come and fill this room with joy!

Unknown said...

Very cute! I know Landon will love it!

Anonymous said...

Now all you need is his warm little body to complete the room! I now you are so so excited! I am excited for you to become a mother. You are going to make a wonderful, fun, loving mommy. Landon is a lucky guy! Your life is about to experience the most dramatic, emotional, WONDERFUL events to date. I will be praying for a safe delivery and that you and Chad will be able to rest. It will be hard to tear your eyes off of Landon for at least the first 2.5 years of his life.... I still am trying to pry mine off of my almost THREE year old! :)

Hannah Webb said...

SO cute, Laura! I am very excited for you. He's going to love his new room. :)