Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Landon's Arrival

Yes, I have been MIA now for about 3 and a half weeks. So I knew things were going to change but I'm pretty sure now that was an understatement. Landon has totally rocked our world but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I thought I would start back blogging on the story of Landon's arrival. I think it has some funny parts (especially if you know Chad and I) and for me it was pretty emotional.

On Friday, January 28th I met my mom and Honey (Grandmother) for a pedicure. Much needed and I have a new respect for the calf massage during pregnancy! It was late afternoon so I headed home afterwards. I got home a little after 6pm. Chad was working on the lawnmower in the back when I got home. I talked to him for a little bit and headed inside. As I sat there on the couch I noticed that my tummy got pretty tight for about 30 seconds and went back to normal. I called Chad and told him - I'm pretty sure I just had a contraction. He told me what I knew and that was to write down the time and just keep up with it. He came inside about 10 minutes later and I had another one when he got inside. He went ahead and had his shower and by the time he got out, they were about 6 minutes apart. I started getting excited, nervous, panic - all of these things were going through my mind. I called my doctors office and thank God my doctor was the one on call and she called and confirmed that she was confident that I was in prelabor and that I should come in.

We got in the car and started heading to the hospital. We contacted family to let them know what was going on but that we were not 100% sure what was going on so they may just want to sit tight. Once we got there, they examined me and I was at 1 and a half cm dilated. They told me they would check again in about an hour and I was welcome to walk or go get something to eat. Understand me when I say I have never walked so much in my life. We went down to the CFA and I didn't sit down at all. I walked while I ate my food and my feet were feeling it. I'm pretty sure that I had the Mac Daddy of swollen feet during my pregnancy. We got back to the room and I could barely get my shoes off. After my next check I was at 2-2 1/2 cm. Again, I was told they would check again in an hour. I was ready for the booger to come so we went walking again. By this point our families had arrived and we went out to the lobby and I think I walked the floor with every member of my family that night. After my next check there was no change but they told me I was welcome to stay and they would check me in the morning. I'm not a big fan of sleeping at hospitals because there is no sleep taking place. So I opted to go home and they gave me something to help me sleep. Disappointed and tired we left and spent the night at home.

Saturday was very strange. I went the whole day experiencing my stomach tightening and releasing. Not a feeling I am used to and it was a long day of keeping track. At this point, it was a total waiting game. I made it through the day and tried to take it easy but I did clean out my car. I didn't want Landon in a dirty car ;) That night, Chad and I were online playing Call of Duty with friends and I had my legs propped up. We decided to get off and eat the jello I made earlier. So we got off and I remember Chad called our friend Jeremy and told him we were done playing for the night and that we would call if anything changed with me. Chad came in the kitchen and I handed him two bowls and that's when it happened. I felt my water break just slightly at first. I looked and Chad and said, "I'm pretty sure my water just broke..." I then ran to the bathroom and I won't go into detail but that is exactly what happened. From the bathroom all I could see in the kitchen was Chad running back and forth trying to get everything together in the kitchen. So, I'm in Chad's PJ pants and they are soaked but we get in the car (without the Jello) and head towards the hospital. I contacted family and friends and after that I spent the car ride trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was going to be meeting my son very soon. Chad was very calm except for when he got behind a slow person. I was just mad that we left the jello out and didn't bring it - I really wanted my jello! We arrived at hospital and Chad dropped me off at the entrance. As I got out - I was soaked and I made my way in, leaving a trail for Chad to find me. As I am waddling down the hallway I got smiles from women who understood and looks of confusion from the men I passed. So we began the process of checking in again.

This is all I can get in of the story for the moment and I will post the rest soon...

To be continued...

Here are a few pictures:)


Mom said...

And the drama continues even today:)

Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear more... three more months and I'll have hopefully a similar story! (:

Glen said...

What a good-lookin' son you have...takes after his father:)

*christen said...

Can't wait to read the rest of the story!

Miriam said...

precious! :)