Please don't take this post the wrong way - I love my home and everything about it (could use a pantry - Just saying). However, recently with the onset of pregnancy exhaustion I feel like I am trying to keep my head above water with the house. This exhaustion is like nothing I have ever experienced and honestly I am not a fan. I am used to being active and getting things done and now I do good to get dinner on the table. Once dinner is fixed I plop down on the couch, put my feet up and try to muster up energy to move to take a shower (Usually takes about two hours for me to move). I'm honestly just that wore out. I just feel like there is always something to do and poor Chad has been busting his tail to keep the outside of the house looking good (our grass typically needs to be cut about twice a week) and I can't even muster up the energy to load the diswasher. I'm ready to have my energy back. The more I have thought about this lately the more nervous it is making me. I hope and pray my energy levels go back to normal after the baby. What on earth am I going to do if they don't? I want to be the Supermom that is able to do everything and right now because I am so stinking tired all the time it just has me a little worried. My thought this morning was that it may help to make a list of things that need to be done to the house and put it on the fridge. This way atleast when we get something done we can cross it off and feel as though we are making headway. For example; we really need to clean on the gutters and there is no way Chad can do that on his own. There is certainly no way I can help him - the ladder is massive and I struggled last year to help when we were putting up our christmas lights. Just things like that are on my mind - Not stressing but I want to be able to help but can't.
Any moms out there with any advice on how they dealth with this aspect of pregnancy???
Je pense, donc je suis…
5 weeks ago
You, my dear, are making a baby. It doesn't get much harder or more important than this! Rest!
I am so sorry that you are having issues of being so tired. I know each pregnancy is different for each individual. Also, you are very tired this pregnancy, and the next pregnancy you may not experience the same problems. Don't worry, it is normal to be so tired. Being pregnant really puts your body through drastic changes. Don't worry about the things in the house not getting done. It is most important that "Little Bit" is perfectly healthy. We all love you, and we will help you and Chad in any way that we can. Please let us know if there is something we can do.
MOM Reichert
Well when I saw this I just had to put in my 2cents. I was totally like this when I was pregnant with Luke. I think people think I am joking when I said I would get up go to work (and only make it by the skin of my teeth on time) go home nap, make dinner, go to bed and repeat the same thing the next day. BUT by the end of my pregnancy Josh was telling me " get a life" LITERALLY. I would just get up at like 11 at night out of bed from in the middle of watching tv and start cleaning or organizingg something. And with my second pregnancy with Liam I never had a loss of energy. So dont worry about the small things now and let the little things slide. Which I am still trying to do and I am on my third pregnancy. But every pregnancy AND PERSON is different. With this third pregnancy now just last week I was feeling just like you and this week I am getting it all back. So you too will get your energy back and get EVERYTHING (and then some) done by the time the baby is here, I would bet my first born on it lol. It might be tommorow or it might not be for another month but you will I guarantee and in a few months you will be saying "OH THIS IS WHAT NESTING is all about!" HANG IN THERE
Since I've spent the last year dealing with this issue, I'll have to say what everyone said, it does get better and you will eventually gain your energy back. Hello! Your making a human inside you!!!! Can you imagine how much work that takes??? ; )
I wish I would have taken the advice when everyone told me to rest while I was pregnant. I have that same personality and was just like you in the fact I was so worried about what needed to be done and unfortunately, I now realize why everyone was telling me to rest. When the baby comes, you are going to have even less energy. I would beat myself up after she was born because I felt like I wasn't getting nothing done and I too was worried about being super mom. Everyone kept telling me to enjoy this time, but I was too worried about how clean my house was. I finally realized that it's not important how clean everything is, it's more important the time I spend holding and playing with her. I can honestly say that for me, now that Olivia is almost a year old, I'm finally getting back to feeling like my old self. And even though you will get completely sick of hearing it over the next year, it does get better!!!
We all want to be the super mom, but you'll quickly learn that how clean your house is or whether or not the Christmas lights are up
: ), isn't what makes us super moms. Like I'm now learning, the days are long but the years go by quick. Do not let this be something you beat yourself up over.
Also, when people offer help, take it!!! I was bad about always saying "no I can handle it", but a few months after Olivia came, I honestly just couldn't handle it anymore and realized that I did need help others were offering. So don't feel bad accepting the help! Plus, even though you feel bad, I'm pretty sure that Chad does understand. If not, throw it in his face that your carrying his child. That's what I always did to David when I wanted ice cream at ten o'clock at night! : )
Right now keep on resting. What is most important is your and the baby's health. If your body is telling you your that tired, then listen to it and don't feel guilty for resting. I promise you, your going to need all the rest you can get for the first few months when the baby gets here. But remember, it's all worth it in the end! It's the most rewarding experience you can have in life. Even that she's almost a year old, I still look at Olivia in amazement that she's a little person that I made!!! My love for her is like no other and it's the most awesome feeling being a mom. If you ever need anything let me know! : )
I know exactly how you feel! I was always one to have my house spotless & had to always be doing something, but when I got pregnant that all had to stop. It is a difficult adjustment! But the most important "to do" on your list is grow a healthy baby : ) don't feel bad about not being as productive. It's normal! You will be ready & willing to get SO much done once your nesting kicks in around 6 months, you will obsess about cleaning things you've never thought of before LOL. I drove Shaun crazy because with twins I had to take it extra easy so nesting while not being able to do things yourself is tough. Anyway, hang in there you will get more energy soon enough! Good luck with the pregnancy! Tiffany Boatwright
Been there and done that. You're totally normal! I was so tired that after work all I could do was sit. Nate did most of the cooking and cleaning. Just be thankful that Chad is so helpful and use the time to rest. That's what you and the baby need the most! I started to have more energy around 22 weeks, so you'll get better. Just stick it out a little longer!
As a teacher, you are always this tired. I am about to go to bed and it is 6:30. Hope you get your energy back and I will pray for ya.
I read your posts backward, soI saw the 16 Week update first. See all that is going on with that tiny baby? Where do you think the energy to do that is coming from? You, my dear! Rest, enjoy this aspect of pregnancy, for this too shall pass. You're going to be the Supermom, you're going to find reserves deep within yourself to get it all done. Don't beat yourself up for being tired. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Take care of yourself right now, that is your first job as mommy to this new little cousin. :)
I'm so happy for you and Chad!
You're having a baby....your body is working hard on that wonderful creation. It's only a short time in the whole of your life to get plenty of rest and let God work on your little one. I do remember (my youngest is 14) like it was yesterday and I was tired/worn out. My advice would be to try to get a rest in sometime during the day, if it's not sleeping, lay down and close your eyes, put your feet up. I wish you well. I just found your blog. How fun for you!
You will begin to feel much better soon! The 2nd trimester is the best and then again in the 3rd you feel tired all over again! Just know that it is worth it and you will never feel completely rested again....well, I hear when they move off to college you will!! :) After three pregnancies, two of them back to back, I can assure you--the TIREDNESS is normal! Take lots of naps. That is the best way to get through this time! Just know....the housework can wait! It will STILL be there I promise!!!
You may be feeling better already! Congratulations!!!!
Amy Day
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